The courtroom was not in a massive structure with many steps ascending to the great entrance. There was no lengthy hallway that led to the courtroom. There was no railing, no barrier to separate the accused from the Judge. He was not seated on a lofty throne, lifted up above all else in the room. He wore not a long flowing black robe; he held no gavel in his hand to bang loudly to call the court in session. The defendant was not brought into the courtroom in handcuffs and seated before the bench.
The courtroom was indeed large. It encompassed the earth. Court was held in the Garden; perhaps close to where the transgression was committed. The accused was not brought before the Magistrate for the hearing of his case. No, the Voice of the Law came walking in the Garden; He came to where the defendant was. Adam need not hear the banging of the gavel to know of His presence. He heard His Voice. It was a Voice that struck reverential fear within him. He ought to have ran to meet Him, to fall at His feet. . .
If the Voice of God came walking, in the Garden where you live,
Would you hurry forth to meet Him, and a salutation give:
Lord I’ve longed so for your coming, and I’m glad to see you here,
And your presence in the Garden, Brings me comfort, joy, and cheer!
. . .but Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. . .
If the Voice of God came walking, in the Garden where you live,
Would you quickly run for cover, and no salutation give?
Lord, I’m troubled by your coming, and I’m sorry that you’re here,
And your presence in the Garden, gives me reason now to fear!
“And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?” He need not call Adam’s name for there was none other there to answer! (Adam and Eve were both called Adam, in the day when they were created.) One may ask, Why did God ask Adam where he was? He knew already! Yes, but Adam and Eve thought to hide themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden! This is most likely the origin of the children’s game of “Hide and Seek!”
Adam had his plans of defense laid out: 1. I heard thy voice, 2. I was afraid, 3. I was naked, 4. I hid myself. It was obvious to all that Adam hid himself, so the Lord addressed argument No.3: Who told thee that thou wast naked? Without pausing for an answer He continued: Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat? And the man said, “The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree. . .” Careful Adam. You’re addressing your Creator, the Creator of your wife, your Landlord, the giver and enforcer of the Law, the Prosecutor, and the Magistrate!
“Adam, we are not here to discuss my creative abilities: Did you eat of the forbidden tree?” “Your Honor, it’s the woman - she gave me of the tree.” “Adam, the question was not concerning the woman - your wife - not of her guilt, of her transgression. . . I’ll ask you once more: Adam did YOU eat of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat?” “I did eat.”
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” I John 1:9.
Copyright 2007, by Darius Stewart
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