For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." I Timothy 2:13-15
Before us is a scripture that has received multiple explanations - some worthy of thought, and others that are to the point of the ridiculous. I have found that the first rule - at least for me - when I'm faced with such a scripture - is to look to the Lord. What is He doing; what is His purpose; what does He want me to see; what is the mind of Christ?
I would certainly not suggest that this is the only answer to the questions that prevail concerning this scripture. I would only ask that you read it; meditate upon it; pray about it; ask the Lord to impart His wisdom and understanding to you. You decide. Or you may be of the opinion that no explanation seems right. If so - continue to study and pray for guidance.
"the woman was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved. . ." As I gaze upon this scripture with God Himself in mind, I cannot but believe that He is determining to be merciful; to display the abundance of His Grace to Eve - to many Eves.
The Transgression and Its Consequence."Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee" Gen. 3:16. In verse 15 we have the promise of the Savior. The Lord, speaking the curse upon the serpent: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel." Her seed is readily to be understood as none other but Christ Himself. If I could give Eve a warning, "Eve, Satan is angry. He will be out to get you, your sons, and your sons' sons. He is going to do all that is in his power to destroy the lineage. If (when) the child is born, he will stand ready to devour Him!" Alas, I cannot speak to Eve. But I can warn the mother who reads this article: "Oh Christ-honoring mother! Satan stands before you as he did before Eve. He stands ready to devour your sons and daughters! Fight him with the Truth of God's Word. Fervently labor to instill in your children the gospel of Christ!"
Much to the dismay and disillusion of Satan -- "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son" John 3:16. And what now is to be the consequence? "that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "Truth or consequences" began with God long, long ago. And it's not a game. It's a matter of Life and death.
"For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety" I Timothy 2:13-15. Notwithstanding [nevertheless] she shall be saved in childbearing, if they . . ." [both Adams and Eves are included.] The man is not to think himself of being exempt or without responsibility in this occasion.
Some definitions might be in order:
Childbearing - teknogonia, childbirth (parentage, mother), maternity (the performance of maternal duties.)
Maternity - state of being a mother.
Maternal - of, pertaining to, having the qualities of or befitting a mother: maternal instincts.
Motherhood - the state of being a mother; the qualities or spirit of a mother.
Clearly, the definitions show that childbearing includes actual birth and delivery, but in no way limit or exclude a continuation of such. Such terms as "expectant mother" and "mother-to-be" seem to show all the more that "childbearing" as used in scripture, must lean heavily in the direction of the relation of mother and child after birth. Child bearing, in its broadest sense must be regarded as timeless. The child, having been carried in his mother's womb, is now to be carried within her heart.
Compare again: In Genesis 3 the woman is told, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow. . .in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." It is not suffering, pain. That pain remains in child birth, whether the mother is a Christian or not. It is - it must be - sorrow. The sorrow of childbearing; the raising of the child as a mother with "maternal instincts," possessing the "qualities or spirit befitting a mother;" and yet watching that child follow the way of Cain. That, my dear friend, is sorrow. But hope is given: "She shall be saved in childbearing." Saved from what? Pain? We know better. How about "saved from the sorrow"? One need not sorrow nor be overcome with the gloom of a doom that her offspring will die without Hope. "If they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety" is there not the Blessed Hope that the children will be drawn to the Savior; that He will accomplish the work of redemption within their hearts? May the sorrow be overtaken, yea rooted out by the Joy of the Lord!
Childbearing and Practical Christianity.In Paul's epistle written to young Timothy is this admonition: "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" II Tim. 3:14-15. And from whence did he learn them? Certainly from his mother and grandmother: "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also" II Tim. 1:5.
In Luke chapter 2 we are told that Joseph went . . .unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem. . .with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child." And when did Mary become "with child"? At six months into her pregnancy? At 2 months? Of course not! She became "with child" at conception! (Which would dismay the abortionists to no end!) When then, shall we say that her childbearing ended? Immediately after the birth of the Child? Let's look again at our definitions: Childbearing - parentage, mother, the performance of maternal duties, state of being a mother, having the qualities of or befitting a mother: maternal instincts. . .Just when is a mother to cease being a mother to her child?
It's a rhetorical question and our own heart will give the answer.
Grandmother, Your Childbearing Years are Not Over!Grandchildbearing. There's no such word you say. Well, there should be! Grandmother Lois was indwelt with faith; she taught her daughter Eunice. Eunice bore a son who she named Timothy. He likewise was taught the holy scriptures, which were able to make him wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Unfeigned faith. . .dwelt first in his grandmother Lois, and in his mother Eunice. Listen! Childbearing does not cease at the birth of a child. The mother has the responsibility, though once being under the sentence because of her transgression -- God has entrusted her, blessed her, showered her with His Mercies and Grace. Child bearing is exactly that. She is to bear up that child - to nurture him; to continually seek to instruct him. And when is this "child bearing" to cease? Or is it ever really to cease? Grandmother Lois had experienced the blessing of "childbearing" with her daughter. Now she is "grandchild bearing" her grandson, Timothy. I saw it in my mother and in her influence with my children. Now it is readily visible with my wife. I see her "instinct," her desire to be a grandchild bearer. She encourages our grandson; gets him to sing songs about Jesus; talks to him about Jesus. She is ever concerned that his parents will keep him in church. Perhaps - no, surely grandmothers, having gotten older, experiencing much; have a keener sense, a greater desire, an understanding that surpasses that which they knew at an earlier age. A grandmother, a Believer, ought to possess wisdom; to have understanding; to have a God-given ability to reach the tender heart of her grandchildren. Grandmother, don't underestimate your importance nor your influence on those young lives. Your childbearing years are not over! You've just added more! You're not just a "child bearer!" You're a "grandchild bearer!" Pray for strength, for it is given to you to hold up both children and grandchildren unto the Lord.
What of our text(s)? "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow. . .in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. . ." What hope then, for her sons, and her sons' sons, yea for the human race? "the woman . . .was in the transgression." What a burden she must have carried. Satan has laid a "guilt-trip" on many Godly parents. If Godly parents do their best under God, to raise their children right, and then the children go astray. . .? If you blame the parents, then you must blame God (what better parent than He) for Adam (His sons') sin. But God (if not man) is abundant in mercy and grace. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."
"And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew" Genesis 4:25-26. What is she saying? Remember Genesis 3:15: And I will put enmity between. . thy seed and her seed. . .[Christ]. In view of that she said, God hath appointed me another seed instead [or in the stead of] Abel, whom Cain slew." We're not finished. "And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord" vs. 26. What saith the scripture? "For whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Rom. 10:13. Another interpretation of verse 26 is that "men began to call themselves by the name of the Lord." We continue the practice today; we are called "Christians."
(But the "enmity" spoken of in Genesis 3:15 was to be born in another fashion. We speak of the hatred of Cain for his brother Abel. Assuming that Eve rightly trained her offspring; and in spite of that, suppose Cain trained his offspring to follow him in his rebellion against God. . .Well, there's the split, the beginning of an ongoing (spiritual) division: those who call themselves by the name of the Lord (identifying with Him) and those who do not.)
Was Eve not a "childbearer," yea a "grandchild bearer," in that she did even as Timothy's mother Eunice and grandmother Lois: she taught him the scriptures (as yet unwritten; except upon her heart?) My! What an opportunity for Eve! If Adam lived 930 years and begat sons and daughters, upon how many children and children's children could Eve's "childbearing" have had influence?
Consider Hannah! She ( being barren) vowed a vow unto the Lord that if He would only give her a son, she would give him up (in the spiritual sense, she would give him, offer him, up to the Lord.) She would take young Samuel up to the temple that he might minister there unto the Lord. But before that, did she not keep him unto herself for an undetermined period of time; that she might perform the work of "childbearing?" Did she not present him daily before the Lord and speak unto him the Holy Scriptures? She prepared him for the ministry! (And a job well done, if one will search the scriptures!)
And, although Jesus is very God and man, did not Mary instruct Him in Old Testament scripture; did not her "childbearing" continue also? Though He is God, yet as a young child, she would teach Him to "fear God!" But He was to become her teacher, yea, Jesus, being born of her womb, was nevertheless her Messiah, her Lord, her Savior. Did she not "lift Him up" before the Lord? Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." This speaking of His crucifixion and death upon the cross. But Mary would first "lift Him up" in prayer. Here's a sobering thought. If Jesus in His sinless nature and in His perfections received instruction in Righteousness; if He being God received training in the Way He should go. . .where does that leave us?
"Train up a child [childbearing?] in the way [Way] he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Pro. 22:6. How impossible; how utterly hopeless the task; were it not for Sovereign Grace!
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